Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jumping in...head first & blind folded

So I recently went through probably the quickest hiring process known to man. After a 5 day process, I'm now moving 160~ miles away, with only a couch to sleep on, no job for my husband and a dream job at a growing company. It was fast. REALLY FAST. But I now realize that was the only way I was going to move up and out of Fresno.

Two years ago Atom said "Let's move to Portland!"
1) I don't just "move" to places I've never visited.
2) The thought of rain 70% of the year mentally ties a noose out of my shoe laces

I told Atom to plan a trip to Portland so we could go check it out. Two years later, have I visited Portland? Nope.

After an epic Sunday in San Francisco (Football Giants>49ers), we discussed the possibility of moving up north. Atom would find a non union job, I could train at my friends gym and get a bar job, Steve would help us find a cheap place, all great ideas. On a whim, I messaged my friend Jill who works for Lululemon ( and asked her if there was any position open up north. She pointed me to their online application site so I thought "What the hell!" The questions were snazzy. "Who would you high five and why?" and "how do you like to sweat?" I answered them all honestly on a cold thursday night. Friday morning, I receive an email for a group interview monday morning in Walnut Creek. "Holy shit! That was quick!" I soon after phoned my friend Jess, asking her if I could plop on her couch Sunday night. She obviously said yes.

"I have to get this job now. This is too good to be true."

Group interview: Now mind you, I've never had a job I didn't get by reference. Basically, I've only interviewed. I've never BEEN interviewed. I'm not gonna lie, I would've picked me. As a matter of fact, I picked the top three that moved onto the interview with the store manager. Which also went amazingly well until she informed me I had to attend Run Club to get to know other members of the team. Just what I wanna do. Run three miles for a job. But I did it. And Wednesday night at Groggs, I got the call saying I was hired.

So now it's real. Atom would stay in Fresno until he found work up north and we figured out a living situation. I can tell he's nervous. He always worries. But this was the only way it could be. Hard and fast. We moved slow for too long and it got us no where. Now we are jumping in, head first and blind folded, into a pool of hopefully rainbows and unicorns. Not concrete and nails.

Picture of the Day!
I will try and post a random picture every time I blog. Randomness is fun! Right??
This would be the rice crispy treat my mom made me the last time the Giants won the super bowl. Can your mom do that? Didn't think so.