Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Jump in the river or get in the car

So while getting down on some tai chi this morning with one of my clients, he brought up the paleo diet. Now, I stop and say to my self "hold on. This isn't just a diet. It's not the Atkins diet, its not the lose 25 pounds in 25 days diet. It's a lifestyle. At least it should be, right? We are looking better, feeling better, so why would we revert back to the eating habits of the old? It reminded me of a story I heard about a town in Egypt, where every summer, the parents would let the children swim in a known infested river. The kids would mainly come out with eye infections which would leave them blinded for a couple of hours. We think "Call CPS! They are putting their children in harms way!" And when an American reporter asked one of the residents why he let his children swim in a river when he knew, 100% everytime they would becaome ill, the resident responded with this question "Why do you drive?" The stunned American reporter replied "well, how else would I get around?" The resident then said "Americans are killed more in car accidents than any other sickness or disease in the world, but you still choose to drive. My children just want to go swimming and have fun with their friends. If it means they have to be sick for a few hours, fine. You choose to risk your life everytime you get in your car, and involuntary subject your children to accompany you. My children have a choice." Pretty powerful if you ask me. So why do we voluntary subject ourselves to looking and feeling like shit? When we eat right, we feel good, when we feel good we look even better. But we choose to get in the car, go to the drive thru, eat the last piece of cake, drink the 12 pack of beer. So how do we stop those urges? I'll tell you. CHEAT DAY! Yup, you can have one, but only one. Why? First off, it gives you something to look forward to. Like I said before, I will never give up pizza, but I won't eat it everyday. Secondly, it will prevent you from binge eating or snacking. Thinking that you will never have a reeses peanut butter cup ever again will lead to the temptation to snack. Having a cheat day let's you put it in your foodbank. And finally, the hangover. The sickness you will feel the next day will bring you back to reality and back on track. Will you do it again? Most likely. But's your choice. Jump in the river or get in the car.

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