Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Kitchen Aids

Some of you might know I used to have a paleo blog back in my Fresno days. Well today, I'm neither in Fresno nor am I really paleo but I had sort of revelation I wanted to share. Trust me, my writings are quite entertaining and easy to relate to.

I rolled out of bed this afternoon (don't judge) and did what I normally do. I hammered through all the cabinets in the kitchen, starred in the fridge, then stood at a standstill asking myself the golden question "what to eat?" After my kitchen parade, I sit down on the couch and grab my computer. "I'll just order delivery!" Which in my head is PIZZA. "Which pizza place should I order from?" "Maybe I'll get chinese" "I could just run to safeway and get a stuft crust" A dozen websites later I decided to bombard the kitchen again, hoping my magical meal has somehow made its way into my fridge. It hasn't. I stare at Atom's loaf of country buttermilk bread. All ingredients I'm a fan of. Butter, milk, bread, not so much country but you can't be perfect. "I'll make a bacon grilled cheese!" Only one piece of cheese. "PB&J!" Too sweet. "Ramen" Had it last night. I finally enter a stare down with a couple of sweet potatoes and we decided to tango. I cut and boil them, grab a couple of pieces of bacon from the fridge, 3 eggs and a big ol handful of spinach. 10 minutes later I've made myself a pretty healthy (mega paleo) meal.

I've been in m apartment since June and it's the first time in over 4 years I haven't had any roommates, excluding the ball and chain. When I moved in, I told myself I wouldn't buy any pre made processed foods and I've pretty much stuck to it. (The ramen was a moment of weakness) In my house, you have to cook to eat. Then it really dawned on me. I can give myself all the credit I want about only keeping fresh food in the house but you know who the real hero is? The microwave. Why? Because I don't have one. Yup, you heard me. NO MICROWAVE! Was I that intuitive in my healthy lifestyle planning? Fuck no, my kitchen is TINY and I only have one set of outlets. It was battle of epic proportions between a microwave and my toaster over. Victory toaster oven.

I'm not saying go burn your bra's and microwaves, although let me know if you do, I'd love to watch. But plant yourself those little life seeds and see how they grow. Cancel your cable for a month, get a water instead of soda, drink coors light instead of coors original, whatever. It's the small efforts you make everyday which will help you make the decisions you've always wanted to, but never had the confidence to do it.

This is my grandma Nolan. So wise, so noble. And come to think of it, she doesn't have a microwave either..

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